France was first to offer a strategic dialogue after our 1998 nuclear
tests, forswear sanctions and announce a “business as usual” policy
towards India. This remarkably pragmatic position, surpassing the acute
international anxieties of the moment, demonstrated its longer term
strategic view of India’s role in the world. It is this solid investment
in a strategic relationship with India that gives particular value to
president Hollande’s visit that begins today.
India is the first Asian country that he is visiting and he wishes to
maintain the momentum imparted to bilateral ties by his predecessors
from a different political camp, more so as global economic and
political power is steadily shifting towards Asia. India, despite the
current slump in its growth, remains a choice partner because of the
size of its economy, future growth projections, entrepreneurial talent
and opportunities materializing from external capital, technology and
flow of know-how.
Indo-French bilateral trade at almost Euros 8 billion remains
considerably short of the targeted figure of Euros 12 billion by 2012,
but the overall economic relationship appears larger than what official
statistics indicate. If the total investments of French companies from
all sources are calculated, the figure jumps from $3.5 billion to an
impressive $ 17 billion. French companies employ 250,000 Indians, with
several doing extensive R&D in India, a fact insufficiently known.
Infrastructure, energy, food-processing, urban development, hi-tech and
green technologies provide untapped business opportunities, as do
cooperative ventures with French companies that are global private
public partnership leaders in the field of highways, water and waste
water, ports, airports and power, which are areas of focus for the
Indo-French CEOs Forum.
All such high level visits raise expectations about “deliverables”-
in this case the finalization of the contracts for 126 Rafale aircraft
and for French-supplied nuclear power reactors at Jaitapur. Commercial
negotiations in both cases will take time, but not inordinately, so the
president would hope. The Rafale contract tops 60 years of a prolific
bilateral defence relationship, with supplies of aircraft, tanks,
helicopters and missiles in the past, a current submarine project, and
joint development and manufacture of the surface to air missile Maitri
in the offing, all proving that France is considered a reliable partner.
France’s willingness to work within the rules framed under our
nuclear liability act is important as an inducement to other suppliers.
France has confirmed publicly its readiness to transfer enrichment and
reprocessing technologies, underlining that amongst western countries
France is the least restrictive in terms of transfer of sensitive
technologies. In space, an area in which we have benefited from French
cooperation, an agreement has been reached to launch another jointly
developed satellite, “Saral”.
India values its friction free relationship with France that raises
no concerns about being dominated or clapped into unequal obligations.
Remarkably, India’s relations with France have higher comfort levels
than those with other western powers despite its strong support for the
controversial doctrines of humanitarian intervention that was
demonstrated by its activism in Libya and now Syria. On these countries
and Iran, India’s views and interests differ, but without any
contentiousness. A strategic partnership does not, of course, mean a
commonality of views and interests across the board, more so between a
developing country like India and a highly developed, industrialized
country like France which has enjoyed great power status for long and is
a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a Nato member and a
pillar of the European Union. On climate change and WTO issues Indian
and French positions, understandably, differ.
Watching Islamic extremism in Libya, with spill-over into Mali, and
polarization in Egypt caused by the Muslim Brotherhood, India doubts
the wisdom of encouraging extremist religious forces to overthrow
Syria’s secular regime. The strategic vision of India and France in this
regard has developed a gap which needs closing as the epicenter of such
forces, backed by nuclear capability, is still in our region, and the
gravity of the threat can escalate all round with efforts to accommodate
the Taliban in Afghanistan, an enterprise that France too is discreetly
encouraging. All these issues, along with the implications of China’s
rise and the situation in Pakistan, would undoubtedly get discussed
usefully during the president’s timely visit.
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